Записи данных
Данные этого sampling event ресурса были опубликованы в виде Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), который является стандартным форматом для обмена данными о биоразнообразии в виде набора из одной или нескольких таблиц. Основная таблица данных содержит 48 658 записей.
Также в наличии 2 таблиц с данными расширений. Записи расширений содержат дополнительную информацию об основной записи. Число записей в каждой таблице данных расширения показано ниже.
Данный экземпляр IPT архивирует данные и таким образом служит хранилищем данных. Данные и метаданные ресурсов доступны для скачивания в разделе Загрузки. В таблице версий перечислены другие версии ресурса, которые были доступны публично, что позволяет отслеживать изменения, внесенные в ресурс с течением времени.
В таблице ниже указаны только опубликованные версии ресурса, которые доступны для свободного скачивания.
Как оформить ссылку
Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:
Haas F, Jönsson A (2024). Swedish Bird Survey: Swedish waterbird census (January). Version 1.0. Department of Biology, Lund University. Samplingevent dataset. https://www.gbif.se/ipt/resource?r=lu_ssij&v=1.0
Исследователи должны соблюдать следующие права:
Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Department of Biology, Lund University. Насколько это возможно по закону, издатель отказался от всех прав на эти данные и посвятил их Public Domain (CC0 1.0)а>. Пользователи могут без ограничений копировать, изменять, распространять и использовать работу, в том числе в коммерческих целях.
Регистрация в GBIF
Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: 5c80f69a-46be-4269-8606-19ffc8b971e1. Department of Biology, Lund University отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF Sweden.
Ключевые слова
- Metadata Provider ●
- Originator ●
- Point Of Contact
- PhD, Researcher
- Metadata Provider
- PhD, Researcher
- Programmer
Географический охват
All data is collected within Sweden.
Ограничивающие координаты | Юг Запад [55,336, 10,957], Север Восток [69,06, 24,167] |
Таксономический охват
All species within the following groups are surveyed: Ducks and swans (Anatidae) Grebes (Podicipedidae) Divers (Gaviidae) Auks (Alcidae) Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae) Herons (Ardeidae) Waders (Charadriidae, Scolopacidae) (since 2017) The following species are also included in the survey: Eurasian coot (Fulica atra) Common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) (since 2021) Northern gannet (Morus bassanus) (since 2020) All observed individuals of the above mentioned species are counted.
Kingdom | Animalia (Animals) |
Phylum | Chordata (Chordates) |
Class | Aves (Birds) |
Временной охват
Дата начала / Дата окончания | 1966-01-16 / 2023-02-27 |
Данные проекта
Описание отсутсвует
Название | Svensk Fågeltaxering |
Финансирование | The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency supports the Swedish Bird Survey. |
Описание района исследования | Sweden |
Исполнители проекта:
Методы сбора
Three different methods can be used to survey a counting sector: surveying from land, boat or aeroplane. Surveying from land is the standard and most commonly used method. For large counting sectors the surveyor has to use multiple vantage points. Ideally the whole sector should be scanned for birds, but in many cases this is not possible due to parts being e.g. obscured by islands or unreachable for other reasons. In periods, boat-based counts have been carried out to cover areas not visible from land. To cover large areas not visible from the mainland, aerial surveys with professional observers have occasionally been conducted. Regardless of method, all observed individuals of the species included in the survey should be counted. The surveyed counting sectors vary in size from 0,01 to 300 km2.
Охват исследования | Geography and habitat: All observations are registered on counting sectors. The entire Swedish coastline is divided into ca 3100 such sectors, ca 2300 of which have been surveyed in January. In the inland, small lakes become sectors of their own while large lakes, as well as streams and rivers, are each split into several sectors. At present almost 1400 inland sectors have been surveyed in January. It is possible for surveyors to create new inland counting sectors, as well as start previously not surveyed coastal sectors, provided the intention is to survey them for several years. The waterbird census in January and September are using the same system of counting sectors. Timing and frequency: The survey should in general be carried out once in the middle of January, but a sector is allowed to be censused more than once in a given year if different methods are used (see below). The exact survey dates are decided and notified by the project management every year. The time taken to survey a sector depends on the size of the sector and on the abundance and distribution of birds. |
Контроль качества | Data is checked and validated by the project leaders, specifically species identity, numbers and geographical location. Confidence in the data is good. |
Описание этапа методики:
- See sampling description.
Библиографические ссылки
- Gaget, E., Ovaskainen, O., Bradter, U., Haas, F., Jonas, L., Johnston, A., Langendoen, T., Lehikoinen, A. S., Pärt, T., Pavón-Jordán, D., Sandercock, B. K., Soultan, A. & Brommer, J. E., 2024. Changes in waterbird occurrence and abundance at their northern range boundaries in response to climate warming: importance of site area and protection status. (E-pub ahead of print) In: Animal Conservation.
- Gaget, E., Johnston, A., Pavón-Jordán, D., Lehikoinen, A. S., Sandercock, B. K., Soultan, A., Božič, L., Clausen, P., Devos, K., Domsa, C., Encarnação, V., Faragó, S., Fitzgerald, N., Frost, T., Gaudard, C., Gosztonyi, L., Haas, F., Hornman, M., Langendoen, T. & Ieronymidou, C. & 15 others, , 2022. Protected area characteristics that help waterbirds respond to climate warming. Conservation Biology 36, 4.
- Gaget, E., Pavón-Jordán, D., Johnston, A., Lehikoinen, A., Hochachka, W. M., Sandercock, B. K., Soultan, A., Azafzaf, H., Bendjedda, N., Bino, T., Božič, L., Clausen, P., Dakki, M., Devos, K., Domsa, C., Encarnação, V., Erciyas-Yavuz, K., Faragó, S., Frost, T. & Gaudard, C. & 30 others, , 2021. Benefits of protected areas for nonbreeding waterbirds adjusting their distributions under climate warming. Conservation Biology 35: 834-845.
Дополнительные метаданные
Important information for potential users of the Swedish waterbird census (January) data: 1. The Swedish waterbird census (January) started officially in 1967, but the dataset also contains data from the pilot study in 1966. 2. In 1973 the midwinter count was complemented by a September count of resting migrating birds in the same counting sectors (Swedish Bird Survey: Swedish waterbird count (September)). 3. The data shown in this Darwin core archive are, for each species, the sum of all individuals within the counting sector during a visit. Note that some sectors are surveyed twice, but with different methods, in some years. 4. Null visits and zero observations: Users of the data have to construct zero data for each species themselves. The occurrence table contains observations of species that were actually present at the surveyed sites, but the surveyor would have looked for all species that are included in the survey design. For visits to sites where no observations were made at all (when such null visits exist), the occurrence table also includes one zero observation with vernacularName set to "SpeciesIncludedInSurvey", and occurrenceStatus set to "Absent". This is to ensure that information about surveyor is included in the DwC-A also for these events. Additionally, information about whether a visit is a null visit (i.e. true = no survey species observed) or not (i.e. false = one or more survey species observed) is included in the ”extended measurement or fact table” (noObservations). 5. The coordinates supplied are for the central point of each counting sector.
Цель | National environmental monitoring of waterbirds. |
Альтернативные идентификаторы | https://www.gbif.se/ipt/resource?r=lu_ssij |