GBIF logtype


GBIF provides tools for publishing, accessing and using biodiversity data. Here we list a subset of tools available. For a more detailed list of tools available within the community, go to the GBIF Tools Catalogue or visit the SBDI Tools webpage.

Data access and use


Access and download data, metadata, species names, maps, literature and more; or build your own tools.


R package from rOpenSci that allows searching and retrieving data from GBIF.


A Python client for the GBIF API.

Hosted portals

Set up a simple, branded and fully customizable website that displays a subset of GBIF-mediated data.

SBDI Bioatlas

Explore Swedish biodiversity data and tools for visualization and analysis.

Provides anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth.

Data publishing

Data validator

A service to get a report on a dataset syntax and content validity.

Open refine

A powerful free, open source tool for working with messy data.

Tools catalogue

Explore GBIF community tools available for data management, visualization and analysis.